First, let us start by saying thank you for subscribing to Ruby Romania Newsletter. You are here because you either subscribed to our website or participated in the Friendly.rb 2023 conference.
2024 plans
2024 is starting with big plans for Ruby Romania.
We want to make a tour and organize Ruby Meetups around Romania, and the first one will be in Sibiu on February 1st, 2024, while keeping a pace of meetings in Bucharest.
Sibiu Meetup - February 1st, 2024
We are in full planning mode for the first meetup 2024 in Sibiu.
We have secured the place: Biblioteca Judeteana Astra Corp B.
There will be two presentations, some food and non-alcoholic drinks at the location, and then continue in a pub in Sibiu city center.
If you plan to attend, RSVP at https://www.meetup.com/ruby-romania/events/298491370
Bucharest Meetups
If you are in Bucharest, there will be a meetup every other Thursday, alternating between a social and a regular meetup (with presentations).
Watch the schedule on rubyromania.ro
Cluj and Timisoara plans
We started making early plans for meetups in Cluj and Timisoara. We will send more details soon.
Join our Discord community.
Let’s create together a bigger community of Romanian Ruby developers. Join our Discord server, and let’s chat.
This community works only if we make it work.
Help us spread the word.
Please invite your friends to join this newsletter so we can share what is happening. There is a power in numbers and we can help each other grow.
A special thank you to our partners

See you soon,
Friendly people from Ruby Romania